Debut or Die Ch.462

All chapters are in Debut or Die
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The fan site manager could barely breathe as she waited for the game installation to complete. Normally, a modern person would check KakaoTalk, SNS, or web surf while an app was installed, but she was too overwhelmed to do anything else. She had no time to wonder or analyze, ‘When and how did they create something like this?’ Her heart pounded with excitement, joy, and overwhelming anticipation.

And a moment later.

[Installation is complete.]
-Start Now ( )

She checked the box without hesitation. The screen turned black, and a logo appeared.

[Ruin Factory Area]
-Stars Orbit

Then, the modified TeSTAR logo, reminiscent of a corporation or industrial disaster, descended from the top, revealing the title.

[Roll the Dice]
~please enter the code

Flowing softly was the main melody of the new title song, slightly eerie and modernly remixed. In the background were a dark wooden floor, a board game, and dice. The quality was perfect.


Was it really this elaborate? The fan site manager felt a near-panicked joy but also a subtle worry.

I don’t really know much about games… She thought it would be just for fan service, but now she wondered if she could fully enjoy it.

She wasn’t familiar with game rules or controls. She had only casually enjoyed <127 Section> because it was a mobile game. And since some people dislike games, she thought it might be polarizing.


But her accumulated excitement overcame everything. There was no time to hesitate!

“Let’s go!”

She bravely pressed ‘New game’! Then, the letters disappeared as if sucked in, and the dice rolled… A short loading. And then… the screen brightened.

[2025. 06. 01.]
[PM 07:03]


A sports car speeding down a sunset road filled the computer screen.


What is this?

Even the people in the sports car were strangers. A man and a woman wearing sunglasses, but the man definitely didn’t seem like TeSTAR. How could she be sure they were game characters?

Is it live-action?

Because it wasn’t graphics!

-♩♪♬♬~ ♪♪♬~

The sports car, racing to exciting music, connected like a scene from a movie. It could be mistaken for a defective product, but she already knew that wasn’t the case.

This… is Pose.
The song playing in the sports car was TeSTAR’s previous hit, ‘Pose.’ A lively dance track perfect for driving was flowing like BGM.

This is definitely a TeSTAR app.

So she decided to wait a moment.

The sports car on the screen continued racing along the road, turned red by the sunset. Then, something unusual happened. The road was blocked.


A massive barricade, alternating yellow and black, with flashing hazard lights, was in the middle of the road.

-What’s this?

The music faded. And someone walked toward the stopped sports car. It was a tall man.

-Hold on a second, Ma’am.


It was Lee Sejin!

In a neatly pressed police uniform, Lee Sejin leaned toward the sports car with a smile. The woman in the driver’s seat made a casual gesture with her arm.

-What’s going on?
-Oh, the road ahead is closed. I’m sorry, but please take the main road.
-Where is the main road? It’s another 30 minutes. At least give me a reason.
-I’d like to, but I’m on duty, so I can’t explain. Please.

Lee Sejin spoke kindly with a smile.

So handsome…

The hair showing his forehead looked perfect on him. But the woman in the driver’s seat, loyal to her lover, didn’t seem tempted by Lee Sejin. Instead, the camera captured her scanning Lee Sejin with a meaningful look.

-Ma’am, could you turn the car around?

A strange tension rose. The BGM changed.

Wh-What is this?

-You’re quite young for a police officer.
-Ah, I just got transferred. Haha.
-Yes. So please, it would be greatly appreciated.

But Lee Sejin continued to smile and slightly nodded. Yet the tense BGM and oddly loud footsteps didn’t end. Step, step.


After Lee Sejin entered the guard post bathed in the red sunset. Vroom. The sports car turned around and began to leave.

Phew. Oddly, the fan site manager sighed in relief.

Then, the quiet man in the passenger seat broke the silence.

-Uh? This isn’t the main road.


-Oh, if we turn here, it connects back. Trust me.
-We’re going down the road that guy blocked.

Excuse me??

And as if to represent the fan site manager’s feelings, the man in the passenger seat also looked shocked.

-Why are we going there? Honey, the police blocked it.

The driver scoffed.

-Have you seen a cop being so polite to a speeding sports car?
-And look at that roadblock.

As the man in the passenger seat turned his head, the camera view also turned.

The barricade. It slowly appeared on the screen again, interspersed with Lee Sejin’s smiling face in a flashback.

The driver’s voice echoed.

-That barricade isn’t police-issued. It’s a fake.
-That guy didn’t seem like a real cop.
-Look at him. He’s young. Maybe a YouTuber? A BJ? Someone playing a prank with hidden cameras.

At that moment, the bottom of the sports car’s view turned slightly translucent black, and something appeared on the screen.

▶[You might be right. -Reassure]
▶[How can you be sure? -Wary]


Right. It’s a game, so there are choices.

It felt strange, but it seemed right to pick the one that felt right. However…


There was a time limit!

10 seconds?! She panicked but quickly chose the bottom option with an inexplicable feeling.

-How can you be sure?

It was a feeling from movie clichés. Going into a blocked place always leads to bad events.

Sejin said not to go!

So don’t go! Is it important whether he’s a real cop?

Listen to the idol!

She didn’t know why she was making choices for these people instead of TeSTAR, but she hastily chose under the time pressure.

-You don’t trust me?

The driver got angry!

[The other party is offended.]


Wait, was the correct answer to choose the top one and reassure them? She was confused, but the game continued.

-No, it’s not that…
-Then just watch. I’ll make sure we get to your flight on time.

The driver said, roughly turning the sports car and starting to speed off. The camera zoomed out, showing the sports car forcing its way onto the side road blocked by ‘No Entry’ signs. And captured the eerie darkness of the mountains as it got darker.


She swallowed, watching the scene unfold like a thriller movie. Then, a moment later.

-That’s strange.

The sports car, with its headlights on, passed by a dilapidated building that suddenly appeared. A large, gray building patched with concrete. It was big, but there was no sign of human presence.

-A factory? Isn’t it?
-Ah, maybe.
-It’s unusual for a mountain.

And in slow motion, the sports car occupants’ view slowly scanned the building’s exterior… Capturing an embossed pattern on the outskirts.


The fan site manager recalled.

It also appeared in the music video, right?

Yes, the initials on the floor of the gray corridor. Could these people be entering that prison from the player’s perspective?

Yes, the view has switched to these people’s first-person perspective now, so it could be.

While she was speculating.

-Uh, that’s….

At that moment. Thud. The sports car overturned.



And exploded.


The screen spun wildly, tumbling to the ground.



The fan site manager screamed involuntarily. The camera view staggered, showing the wrecked sports car, and then a hand groping the ground appeared. And choices popped up.

▶[Grab the smartphone.]
▶[Call the passenger.]

This… this!

Calling the passenger is pointless! Smartphone! Calling wouldn’t help an injured person, so the first productive action was needed! She quickly chose the top one.

To her delight, the hand groping the ground found the smartphone! Yay! She instinctively cheered as she watched the hand dial 119.

-Oh no!!

The smartphone was broken.


There’s no right answer, is there? She felt she had chosen wrongly, sweating as she contemplated restarting the game.

A voice was heard.

-Are you okay there?!

The screen turned quickly, revealing a tall figure in a police uniform rushing over. It was Lee Sejin running toward them.

-Hold on a second!

Uuuh? What? She was confused, not knowing what was happening.

Lee Sejin approached and immediately reached out.

-Give that to me.

He gently took the smartphone, which was a hindrance to helping, and shrugged. Then, while making eye contact with the player, he shot a tranquilizer gun.


The view, or rather, the screen, blurred. It was silent then.


After a short pause, the screen reappeared from behind Lee Sejin’s shoulder. It seemed he had slung the player over his shoulder.


While still unable to grasp the situation, Lee Sejin’s voice was heard.

-Ah~ It works every time, every single time.

And the screen moved again. Red frames, a crumpled metal car body, and smoke. The player was… shoved back into the wrecked sports car!

“Oh my god?!”

-How nice that you break the rules on your own. I have no guilt for doing my job.



The clean-cut face of Lee Sejin outside the sports car was seen again. He took out a notebook.

-So, once again…

-‘No Entry Sign’… check, ‘Direct Notice’… check, ‘Politeness’… check, ‘Repeated Emphasis’…

Lee Sejin tipped his hat and smiled like a real police officer.

-I asked you to turn the car around, didn’t I?


-Yes, yes. I knew you wouldn’t listen~

Bang. The sports car door closed. The wrecked red sports car was towed away by a black vehicle. Behind it, Lee Sejin’s humming echoed as BGM.


It was a laid-back, easy-listening track from TeSTAR’s previous album, which was famous among fans. And over that eerie discord, the caption appeared.

[Prologue End]
-Welcome to the K.I.S.

The fan site manager silently screamed. What is this?!

* * *
It took the stunned fan site manager 30 seconds to press the enter button and proceed to Chapter 1. She was entirely persuaded by Lee Sejin’s handsomeness.

Moondae must also look incredibly handsome…

And although she didn’t realize it, the shocking and thrilling story played a part.


Entering the main game, this time, it proceeded from a member’s perspective.

-Do you need a ride?

On a rainy autumn day, Bae Sejin, who lost his wallet, got a ride to work from Ryu Chungwoo. And then Ryu Chungwoo made a sudden proposal.

-There’s something I want to steal.
-…Excuse me?
-I need a hacker.

Yes! Bae Sejin was a hacker. But then…

…What about Raebin?

He was sitting in the monitor room in the MV, right? Now, he’s sitting in the back seat of the car, wearing glasses and looking at a laptop, which gave off the same vibe.

So the fan site manager eagerly chose the option to ask.

-Isn’t he a hacker too?
-No. He’s just strong. Really… really strong.


Kim Raebin, tilting his head in the back seat, lowered his head again. By the way, Kim Raebin, after breaking into the facility, showed off his strongest attack power, delighting the fan site manager.

Anyway, what Ryu Chungwoo showed Bae Sejin was information about a gem called ‘tutáculum.’

-It means protection or shelter in Latin. It seems like the key to accessing the facility where this gem is located.

It was something he received from a colleague, and he handed over the ‘key’-shaped device’ for analysis. And this was processed as a flashback, immediately connecting to the scene of infiltrating the facility!

-But who would’ve thought this place was such a strange protective confinement facility?

Then it became a thrilling game of hide-and-seek and choices…


Already having experienced Lee Sejin’s harshness in the prologue, the fan site manager didn’t want to be caught by him again, no matter how handsome he was… So she worked hard to avoid meeting the guards, making choices as carefully as possible.

And at this point, a new system was added. A 10-sided dice.

Thud, thud, thud…

When making a wrong choice, rolling a low number on the dice gave you a chance to recover! The more fatal the mistake, the lower the required number.


-Oh~ today’s coffee.

She narrowly avoided Lee Sejin’s gaze, barely hiding in a cabinet, and took a deep breath. And soon… she saw her favorite’s face.



Moondae was in the laboratory! The problem was he was being injected with something… sweating profusely, and looking extremely distressed. But he asked not to remove the syringe!

-…No, please.

▶[Break the syringe. -Sympathy]
▶[Leave it alone. -Indifference]


Controlling Kim Raebin, the fan site manager was horrified but eventually chose the top option with trembling hands.

I’m sorry, Moondae…! But if she didn’t break the syringe…! In movie clichés, Moondae would die!

Sure enough, breaking the syringe immediately stabilized Moondae. She took a tearful screenshot of the close-up shot of Moondae’s peaceful face as he fainted.

Kim Raebin fortunately carried Moondae to a safe place.

Thank goodness… The overly immersed fan site manager wiped her sweat.

Anyway, after that, there were tense scenes like Ryu Chungwoo extracting information from Cha Eugene inside a steel door or thrilling chase sequences. Soon, the thieves concluded that this place was a strange facility holding experimental subjects, and the information they obtained about the ‘gem’ was part of a trap for the experimental subjects.

-We have to escape.

So they changed their route and soon found a formal escape route thanks to Cha Eugene’s distraction…

There was the final obstacle.

-Just around this perimeter…

Gasp, Ahyeon!

Step, step.

The baton, gloves, military boots, and jawline. And his eyes.

The one walking down the corridor was presented with cinematic mise-en-scène. Seon Ahyeon, throughout the movie, or rather, the game, appeared cold and calm. That perfectly suited him, adding an unexpected charm.

After all, it’s all about the face…

The fan site manager swallowed hard. And she instinctively knew.

In the music video… it hinted that Ahyeon subdued Bae Sejin when he tried to escape!

That was definitely the hint. Her heart pounding, she kept choosing ‘Hide’ from the options.


Surprisingly, even though it seemed like the correct choice, the dice rolled.

[Target number: 6]

A 60% chance! She gritted her teeth.

Thud, thud, thud….

Please, please…!

The dice slowly stopped, pointing to… [2]

“Got it!!”

Seon Ahyeon walked away calmly down the corridor. She successfully passed that turn.


-Let’s go.

She sighed in relief, watching Bae Sejin approach the giant iron door. It was the scene from the music video. Placing the key on the lock pad, he was about to enter the code…

Huh? Come to think of it….


What’s the code?


The game paused.

There was no 10-second time limit like before. It meant she could enter it anytime. But… what code?

At that moment, Bae Sejin’s narration flowed on the screen.

-I already know the code.
-I heard it from the thief when I received this key.

Then Ryu Chungwoo’s voice, which he was recalling, began to play.

-Please analyze this key.

Bae Sejin’s eyes zoomed in.

-And I analyzed it.
-The information the thief wanted came out. The location of this place and the value of the gem. But there was also a lot of dummy data, as if it had been deliberately included.
-To make it hard to find by increasing the volume.
-One of the dummy data I almost overlooked was a photo of a man… with the code written on the back.

The narration ended there.

Wh-What is this?

The fan site manager reread the subtitles in confusion.

A photo… of a man.


Could it be?


She jumped up and grabbed the album box she had pushed aside after taking out the USB earlier. And she took out the only remaining item in it. A photocard. On the back of the photo card of Kim Raebin holding a spike in his mouth was a logo and a code.

[Roll the Dice]
~please enter the code

With trembling hands, she entered the code.

…The moment she pressed enter, on the screen, Bae Sejin also moved his hand over the lock pad. And…

-I succeeded!

The door opened.

“Got it!”

She instinctively clenched her fists and soon realized.

Wow! This structure really made buying the album worthwhile!

Anyway, she instinctively felt she was heading for a happy ending and stood up. Little did she know that what she had seen was merely ‘Normal Ending -3,’ the response of a game noob.

Anyway, she started to form a bit of a commentary.

The immersion was incredible. She couldn’t imagine how they filmed this or how much the members must have struggled… she wanted to replay immediately to try different choices!

The most important costumes were great, and the acting, being action-focused, wasn’t cringeworthy. Honestly, Bae Sejin’s excellent acting synergy added to it. But something nagged at her…

Ah, the thieves seemed like the main characters, didn’t they?

There was a bit of a quantity issue, but it felt like the events were structured from the thief’s perspective.

And Ahyeon had relatively little screen time.

And the board game’s purpose still wasn’t clear.

Really… the quality was unbelievable. She didn’t know how to describe it. It felt like watching a movie but making choices for the characters! Even fans who didn’t like games would love this.

Experiencing the ‘interactive movie’ genre for the first time, she nodded enthusiastically. Thinking about it again, the costumes were too good… it was really the best.

She waited for the epilogue to load, finally deciding to go to the bathroom. And naturally, she grabbed her smartphone.

-Play the other album versions quickly. Trust me, I’m doing this out of loyalty.


-When you play version 2, the prologue changes, and there’s a prisoner.

-So the 3 album versions were faction choices? Thief, prisoner, guard?


-The main storyline is almost the same, but the personal events are different. What is this?


She was stunned and ran to the delivery box, forgetting about the bathroom. She opened the second USB album, pushing aside the photo card of Cha Eugene with his tongue sticking out. She swallowed hard.

Should I start with this?

Since Moondae is a prisoner, to see more of Moondae, should she start with this? It was during her confusion that her smartphone screen lit up again.

-Oh, if you don’t break the syringe, Moondae joins the thief side.

-Insane! Moondae in a thief outfit is amazing! Thighs! His thighs!


What… what’s that?

Thus began the rabbit hole of TeSTAR’s album lore.

these chs are commissioned if you would like your series to be translated you can contact us on discord

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Chapter 462